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GCC VAT / الضرائب  /   ضريبة القيمة المضافة

DOLLAR TAXES is a US and global leader in outsourced international/GCC VAT and tax solutions. Our mission is to maximize tax recovery end to end through our industry-leading processes/methods and to ensure complete compliance, wherever our clients are doing business.

A global network and extensive operational resources enable us to serve over 3,000 available clients in the US and Latin America countries. These range from small, medium and large -sized enterprises to large multinational corporations, across a wide range of sectors.

VAT Registration

If your business requires a VAT or GST registration anywhere in the GCC, VAT Dollar Taxes offers a complete service; from reviewing your business activities in order to make sure a registration is required, to making sure the VAT number is issued as quickly as possible.


In order to register for VAT, you require knowledge of local tax legislation and procedures, as well as the relevant language skills. Without this, your application can be queried or rejected which will significantly delay business development.

Therefore, many businesses decide to outsource this to specialists who can appoint a single contact person who can assist you with the entire registration and compliance process.

VAT Dollar taxes provides a personalised, simple and cost-effective service. You won’t require any knowledge of local laws and you can benefit from our team of multi-lingual VAT experts to obtain the VAT number and other registrations you require as quickly as possible.


Compliance & Filing

Once registered for VAT in any country in the GCC, you will be required to file periodic statutory declarations. In particular, a VAT return will need to be filed (usually every month or quarter), which summarizes all the taxable transactions that your business made in that specific period. 

Every VAT return is different and will have different information requirements and reporting formats. In all cases, you must declare the VAT that you have charged on sales (output VAT) and you are allowed to claim back the VAT you have paid out (input VAT), subject to your taxable activity.

Depending on transactions types and values, your business may have to pay over the VAT surplus to the local tax authorities, or will be eligible to make a claim for a refund.

In addition to periodic VAT returns, there might be other statutory reporting obligations. In the GCC, every time you are involved in the movement of goods between Member States, you will be obligated to report such movements to the country tax and customs authorities, including EC sales listings (for B2B sales) and VAT specific reports (subject to thresholds).

VAT Consulting

Managing VAT obligationsis an ongoing challenge for businesses. VAT legislation is changing all the time, and there is so much to consider as your company grows and expands, it is vital that you have a partner who can guide you in all VAT jurisdictions.   

We know that you will require practical support to ensure the decisions you make are not hindered by complex VAT issues. Our range of consulting services includes advice on VAT, sales tax, GST and all other relevant indirect taxes


Pillars of our Service


  • GCC and local City approach Approach
  • Consulting services that suit your specific business needs
  • Local experts who speak your language
  • We assist with all VAT and sales tax consulting , including the below:
  • Advising on how VAT / sales tax can depend on your legal structure
  • Reviewing your business activity and transactions for VAT compliance
  • Dealing with VAT audits & other tax office communication
  • Training your employees to ensure they are familiar with VAT laws and processes

VAT for eCommerce & Distance Selling Rules

eCommerce is the fastest growing area of retail selling globally. If you sell goods online from your own website, or via an online market place like Alibaba, Amazon or eBay, it is very important that you understand the VAT obligations and liabilities of selling to customers in the GCC and in all countries that operate a VAT regime. 

Speak to one of our experienced advisors

Contact Dollar taxes to get VAT registered or understand more about your VAT obligations.



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